Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thelma and Louise Driving Miss Daisy ~ with Tootsie in The Bird Cage

Whew ~ Home Sweet Home!!! Be it ever so HUMBLE.... I wanna click my ruby reds, and kiss the Montana earth - Yippe Skippee!!! We survived.I have actually been home for 2 weeks, but it has taken this long to feel somewhat normal. Our journey was a mixed bag... but I would nt have traded the experience for anything in the world.

We left Kansas City on Monday afternoon, adfter a long day of packing and loading the U-Haul. Oh, did I mention it was snowing all day too - just enough to be wet...not really sticking - YET. No, it waited to start sticking as we rolled out of town, during rush hour traffic. Fortunately, we were on th east side, and were out of town fairly quickly. We made great time.... it only took us 7 1/2 hours to go 220 miles... NUFF SAID? Yes, kinda set the tone for the next FIVE - count em FIVE days to Maine... would have been six, but we pushed it the last day!!! I was schemeing from the back seat. As we got uner way - somewhat early for us (10 AM). I mentioned that we could drive a couple extra hours that day, and save the 2 hoursunlaodingand settingup - then repacking and relaoding in the AM. This wonMon's approval... not that she was helping with the process, but I think the whole hotel room thing was wearing thin. As incentive for my sis, I reminded her that her grandson was off school Monday. If we got to Maine Friday (stayed all day Saturday - to spend time with our saint of a brother) - and drove all day Sunday - we would have te whole day with them. Originally, it looked like we would have to stay in Maine on Sunay, and she would only get a couple hours of quality time... yes, definat incentive!!!! As for me, I just wanted to get there, and get out of the back seat!!!!

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