I am not totally sure, but I think "Moe & Joe" might just have relocated to the Swan Valley in Montana!!! Following are 29 of the 60+ layouts I have done since my last post. My deadline is coming up... and here, I get an email from Inkubook, offering me 28% off my book order if I can get it in by Friday the 17th. I am ordering 3 copies of a 120 page book (Boys - plus - one for me and one for my mom)... so 28% figures out to @ 60 Bucks... So I have been jamming. I dream scrap layouts these days!!!! It is a good thing I sorted all my photos. It has been quite useful as I come up with ideas. I scanned @ 1000 photos about a month ago... yet I am still thinking of photos I want to use that I have not scanned. At least I know EXACTLY where to find them. YAY!!! My desk an immediate office area are pretty scary - negative sheets, CD notebooks, and photo boxes...
And in the middle of it all, I tweaked my back. I was making the bed on Friday and I felt that little tingle you get just before it causes you to walk like you are 100 years old. I actually think it might be a pinched nerve. I am sitting OK - which means I can scrap - but getting up and walking around is a bit of a challenge. it is getting better everyday.
OK, so I have to get back to Photoshop and Creative Memories... so here are the Pages. Keep in mind that I am doing them in twos... and as always, it is a work in progress... Aren't we all?!
First off - the wedding. Who gets married in Montana in January?! Three words for their wedding day (THIRTY DEGREES BELOW!!!!!) - yep, and then they went off to Victoria BC for the honeymoon - had to get off the plane in Seattle and drive the rest of the way because of a snow storm... LOL. They never take the easy way!!! This is a sample of the 14 pages I did... of just the wedding.
fonts - 1001 free fonts
For his 16th Birthday we went to San Francisco - I had a BOGO airfare from Phoenix, (which is where we lived) and a friend to stay with - so it was affordable... By some fluke, my sister was there the same days on business (from Pennsylvania)... so it was a major bonus. What a great memory. We went to Carmel and Monterey to see my niece and her mom...
Th background blends are single photos that will go across both pages - same with the street-shot of San Francisco -
Fonts - 1001 Free Fonts (also one Creative Memories element)
Iowa - what can I say - we were there, and I actually made some of the best lifelong friends. There are 3 friends from there that are still my bestest good friends (25 years later). You know the ones - You talk to them and email them on a regular basis. (one even lives here in Montana...) another in Seattle - I see a visit to her in my future, since that is where Boy and Girl are moving...
background - Amy Sumrall Designs - MAN I Love that particular paper - I have used it before, and will surely use it again!!! The guilded leaves were a gift from Mrs Miles, I don't even know where you can get them, or if you can - but I LOVE them... and use them alot as well!!!
all me and 1001 free fonts (I love the Dear Teacher font for pages like this - I used it one other time...
Boy's day of Deployment - the background is a Main Street photo I had...I like it... again 1001 free fonts... linked above (these links are slowing me down... LOL)
I am using some full page images for a little balance - only a few - but when used, they apply...
The teacher... no idea whose wordart - no TOU with it...so if it is yours... I salute you, it is PERFECT!!!!! Same fonts... the kit belongs to Lilybelle Scraps
I made this layout using - HEART STRINGS MINI KIT - If you have not been over to Mrs. Miles' Place, stop by and say hello - it is always a good read. Wordart belongs to Bethany at Elegant Wordart
He was 5 when he made this - silly things we save!
The next two are the covers Front first - then back - I used a quote from Richard Bach's ~ There's No Such Place As Far Away... a favorite (short) book of mine. The photos are mine - and the font is from 1001 fonts. I used these as covers so that it is something they will want to have on the coffee table (artistic - yet beautiful). I had t do that border so the gulls wings would be all on the front - after going around the book - All these things to consider LOL!!!
My Father was Uncle Sam in a parade a few years ago in Pennsylvania - so I decided to make a page honoring that. He was a retired Marine Lt Col, and loved this country deeply. Semper Fi Dad, we miss you.
The kit is by Beth Turner - called Let Freedom Ring here is her soon to be "old" site and here is her new site. She has a good bit of patriotic stuff.
A "ME" page using Creative Memories Jewel Achievement Package and Movie Font from 1001 Fonts... links above.
These layouts are my sis and her kids - using Barbara (Just Passing Through) Michele's Sunflower Kit. She does some awesome creating - pop on over and say Hi... Tell her Eila sent you...
Who doesn't Love Disneyland? Boy and Girl (that is what I call them) love Disney - they own every movie, and watch them regularly - She is from that part of California, so they get to go when ever they go see her folks. The first two are all me - my photos etc - except the font - which is waltograph from 1001 fonts.com... The fireworks one is a combo of a bunch of photos we took when we went in 2003. The other is from a play. Everyone should go to Disneyland at least once in life...
The one below is a combination of alot of stuff - I took the pic of the mouse flower garden - but I will have you know there were people in the pic - construction stuff... utterly took we weeks (in school) t clean this up... glad I found a use for it.
font - 1001 fonts.com
outer frame - saramarie creative team
inner frame - Lindsay Jane Designs

I cannot believe I finally finished this post!!!! It took almost as long as making the pages... LOL... so now if you wonder why you have not heard from me for awhile, this covers the rest of April... I will be by to see everyone soon. I have been glancing at who is posting, but really have to stay focused. I have 4 days left to finish - (tomorrow is Dr appontments, and in town all day.)
Have a wondrous day!!!
Wow, I love your work! These seagul layouts are truly beautiful!
GF, I am IMPRESSED as all get out! You have created an amazing gift of memories! Good luck with the Friday deadline, I know you're 'gonna make it!
Big hugs,
Wow is all I can say! The layouts are awe-inspiring. Does your hubby put food to your mouth for nourishment ever once in a while? Seriously, I hope your back is better soon! I know that must be painful.
Hugs to you, my friend
Oh my! These are so GOOD! I've enjoyed seeing each and every one. You're doing so well and I really hope you get it done on time. I promise not to bug you until you pop your head back out next week. (I figure you will probably be resting all weekend after this! LOL!)
Psycho scrapper is right!!! What a great job. You go girl, you can make that dead line!
Holy Smokeeeeeeeessss!!! I think you stole my MOJO!!! You can have it for the whole month of April, but I am gonna need it back after that! LOL I can't believe you posted all those!!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! They are Fabulous girl! Don't stop now!!! LOL I just know you'll finish it on time, I have faith in ya, well, if your dreaming about them...LOL You can DO IT!!!!!
Hope your back starts feeling better too, I hear racing is good for that.....LOL
Chat with ya soon!
WOWZERS!! that sounds like you got a GREAT deal on your books and i LA LA LOVE your layouts! you are a CREATING machine!! you GO girl!! :) Have a TERRIFFIC day! :)
WOW! I'm impressed alright.. You did some great LO's and keep it going, I have faith in you that you can do it. I love the wedding's photos and LO"S. You take care of that back of yours. Have fun and have a good week.Nancy
OMG!! You are a genius girl!! All those pages and they are terrific!! Take a big bow...perhaps not with your back!
Seriously, it will be a book to be proud of and hand on as part of your family history.
I hope that Friday doesn't come too soon...but I have a feeling you'll do it.
WOW what gorgeous layouts..love them all...book covers are awesome..
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