Happy Happy Birthday to my sister Patti, oh and my friend Cathy in Colorado, hmm and Donna, my friend since the second grade!!! Hmmm I think I might be leaving someone out... Oh yeah - today is my good buddy Crop's Birthday!!!! In her honor, I have a small gift for everyone. She made a kit called Summertime - (from KimB's May CC) you can pick it up here at her blog - Crops2Dawn Creations. I made a layout with some grandchildren photos from our recent trip to Bozeman. I enjoy the color of this kit.
I also have the quickpage that goes with it. Enjoy... and why not pop over and tell Miss Croppie Happy Birthday!!!! I am pretty sure she said she is 29 AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Click the preview to go to 4shared

I have been pretty busy here of late. I know we are just moving into our Spring... but we are currently loading the woodshed with next winter's supply of wood. Did I mention I am married to a former boyscout (always be prepared) ~slash~ Engineer (I will design a plan)... so it is May , and in a few short days, the shed will be full, and I will be needing to see my chiropractor... LOL.
We have tons of trees down so the wood lot will be quite full as well. We are definitely taking advantage of the nice (but not too hot weather). We spent Memorial Day weekend at Seeley Lake - opening up the summer cabin. Friday and Saturday were beautiful - Sunday, not so much...so we came home a little early, and found that 40 miles made a hug difference. It was great here. The time spent at Seeley was not wasted. I was up on the roof, sweeping all the pine needles and pine cones off. It helps to find any loose roofing nails. Then I got to rake all the stuff from the roof (4 wheel barrel loads). I didn't have to help per sea... I had plenty of cleaning inside to keep me busy. But I figured the faster hubby is finished, and the less tired... I may well earn a steak dinner at Lindey's. YUMMMMM, they have the best steaks. I will tell you what - work all day - a steak dinner, and poor Eilajean was DOWN for the count by 8:30. I haven't been asleep at 8:30 since I was a kid.
I am so happy that the weather is good for being outdoors, and that is where I am headed now... well, after I grab a bite, and read up on some of your blogs. I am soooo behind.
Have an awesome day all!!!
Big Hugs!
Happy Birthday to them!
I am also very happy that the weather is warm again! Here, it's been very hot and heavy lately (+28 ° C)...
Cheers and have a great end of week,
Thanks for the beautiful QP.
It's such a good feeling when the weather changes and with it our spirits soar...I'm a real Spring and Summer person!!
ahhhh, thanks soooo much!!! I love your layout!!! And will be snaggin it too....BEAUTIFUL!!!
So many birthdays today....Happy Birthday to Patti...Cathy and Donna... One of these days you should throw a huge birthday party for all your friends born on this day...I'll bring the rootbeer...LOL
Ok, gotta max out....thanks again!
Don't work toooo hard!!!
WOW send me some of that stuff that gives you all that energy LOL..love the qp thanks for sharing.
I love the LO's nice job. Glad thing getting warm up by you. It is in the 70's here in NY. Have a good week.I hope your back feeling better.Take care. Nancy
Nice to get that wood under wraps ... my D isn't quite so ambitious!
Slowly getting the garden organized and planted. We've had company and little Mingus keeps us hopping!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 27 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 28 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Happy Birthday to all your friends! Wasn't this a great weekend? Sounds like you worked hard for most of yours but it feels good to get things accomplished, I'll bet. And I agree, it's a perfect time to get the new firewood stored up from all the trees downed this past winter. And thanks for the tour of your place. Enjoyed the "visit". Next time, let's do lunch, too!
Hugs, girl!
What a nice present to give- your quick page is lovely. I'm glad that nice weather is coming your way now. The steak pleaces sounds yummy! I know you deserved it!
Sorry, I meant steak place. I need to watch my spelling!
WONDERFUL qp!! Thank you for sharing too!! :) i LOVE Spring and Summer and am sooooooooo GLAD it's finally sprung for you too! Have an AWESOME day!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Summer Theme post on May. 29, 2009. Thanks again.
There is nothing like hard work, a steak dinner, then early bedtime! To me, that is just about as perfect a day as you can have! This is the first time that I visited this blog (I usually am over at your other blog), and I'll be back! :)
Oops...got you confused with another person that has two blogs!! No wonder I couldn't find your other blog after I left this one! LOL :)
Hi Eila,
Thanks for the kind words and visit! I'm doing well. What about you? I hope that you are enjoying the summer...
Hello Eila, Haven't seen you posting in a while. Everything okay over in Mt? I haven't seen Barb blog in a while either. I hope things okay over at her place. She must be busy with her summer vacations and all. I be looking forward hearing from you. ENjoy your summer. Nancy
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